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Nosotros te ayudaremos a restaurar tu casa y negocio

Cuando has sufrido daños en tu hogar, negocio o incluso en tu automóvil, todos te darán la espalda. Las compañías de seguros le darán largas, y no estarán dispuestos a pagar por un acuerdo justo. Necesitas a alguien de tu lado que luche tan fuerte por tu dinero como las compañías de seguros luchan para conservarlo. Llevaremos tu caso a juicio de ser necesario. Y haremos lo que sea necesario para hacerte sentir completo de nuevo.

El Sur de la Florida es el objetivo frecuente de huracanes y otros fenómenos meteorológicos intensos. Si experimentas daños por una tormenta, problemas eléctricos o incluso una mordedura de perro, podemos ayudarte a obtener el acuerdo justo que mereces para reconstruir o cubrir los gastos médicos.

  • Property Damage Claims (Hurricane, Windstorm, Tornado, Fire)

    Reclamos por Daños a la Propiedad (Huracán, Tormenta, Tornado, Incendio)

    Cuando has sufrido el daño de tu hogar, negocio, o automóvil, todos te dan la espalda. Las compañías de seguro están obligadas a pagar un acuerdo justo. Necesitas a Mager Parúas de tu lado para luchar tan fuerte por tu dinero como las compañías de seguros luchan por conservarlo. Llevaremos tu caso a juicio de ser necesario. Y haremos lo que sea necesario para hacerte sentir completo de nuevo.
    Más información

  • Reclamos por Huracanes

    Hurricanes are a fact of life in South Florida. When the storm is over and debris is cleared, you’re left with a new fight - your insurance company. Insurance companies will try to pay you the smallest amount possible. At Mager Parúas, we fight for your rights to a just and fair claim settlement. We’ll help you get your home back in shape.

  • Reclamos por Viento

    Windstorm events can happen all year round They do tremendous damage. If you’ve experienced windstorm damage and have not received adequate compensation, we can help. Mager and Parúas is here to help you get the compensation you need to properly repair your home. We’ll pursue your case with your insurance company to make sure it is settled to your satisfaction.

  • Reclamos por Daños Causados por Granizo

    Hail is tremendously destructive. It can cause severe damage to your home and car. Your Mager Parúas team has deep experience settling hail storm damage claims with insurance companies. If you are not getting the compensation you deserve, call on us.

  • Flood Claims

    Flooding damage can occur in your home from various sources including leaking pipes, roofs and storm damage. It’s expensive to repair and must be done quickly to avoid mold growth. IF you’ve experienced flood damage, partner with Mager Parúas to get a fair settlement.

  • Sinkhole Claims

    Here in Florida, sinkholes may be caused by everyday activities including construction, groundwater pumping, and land development. If you’ve suffered damage from a sinkhole, you are entitled to fair compensation through your homeowner’s insurance policy. Unfortunately, most insurance companies want to pay you as little as possible. If you are not getting an adequate settlement from your insurance carrier to make repairs to your home or business, contact Mager Parúas. We'll fight to get you the settlement you deserve.

  • Reclamos de Incendios / Incendios Forestales

    A fire can quickly destroy your home and possessions. If your home survives the fire, you’ll contend with compounded damage from the fire, smoke and even the water used to put it out. If you’re not getting a fair and adequate offer from your insurance company, we can help. The Mager Parúas team has extensive experience pursuing insurance claims for fire damage.

  • Reclamos de Seguro de Propiedad de Condominio

    If you’ve suffered damage through no fault of your own in your condominium, who pays? It’s a confusing area. Let us help you sort through the complex law in this area and pursue a claim through your HOA or other responsible party’s insurance companies.

  • Reclamos de Seguro de Mala Fe

    If your insurance carrier is denying or unreasonably your payments on your claim without legitimate cause, they are acting in what is called "bad faith". If you are a victim of this practice, you can file a lawsuit against your insurance company to get the settlement you are due. Let your Mager Parúas team help you get the fair compensation you deserve.

  • Reclamos por Tuberías Congeladas

    Frozen pipes in your home or business can cause compound damage. First, when the pipe bursts from the expanding frozen water requiring substantial plumbing repairs. Second, when the pipe thaws, flooding can occur. If you’ve suffered frozen pipe damage and are not getting satisfaction from your insurance company, call Mager Parúas. We’ll pursue your claim with your insurance company and get you a fair settlement.

  • Reclamos de Seguros de Gobiernos y Municipios

    Your city should be answerable you. It's their responsibility to provide basic services like water, trash collection and more. Even after a disaster such as a hurricane, they are still supposed to make sure these essential services are available or restored quickly. At Mager Parúas, we have long experience holding your municipal government accountable and when they don’t deliver, you may be entitled to compensation.

  • Reclamos de seguros de restaurantes

    If you’ve been injured in a restaurant, you are entitled to compensation. Call Mager and Parúas for help pursuing a claim against the restaurant and getting you the settlement you deserve.

  • Reclamos de Seguro de Propiedad Residencial

    Damage and theft are common occurrences to homes in South Florida. If you’ve suffered property damage, your insurance company may not offer you enough to cover replacement and repair. If that happens, count on the Mager Parúas team to take on your case and pursue your claim until you get a fair settlement.

  • Reclamos de Interrupción de Negocio

    There are many events can cause a major interruption to your business. In South Florida, it's likely to be a storm or even a hurricane.  Your Business Interruption insurance policy is supposed to compensate you for income lost during the period when you cannot perform your business and during the reconstruction period. Business Interruption claims are complex and insurance companies fight paying them. You need the Mager Parúas team on your side to help you pursue a fair settlement.

  • Reclamos de Seguro de Daños en Hoteles

    If you own a hotel property your commercial property insurance policy should cover your expenses in the event of a natural disaster such as a hurricane, accident, vandalism by guests, or even theft. You may be entitled to reimbursement for expenses, damage coverage and  necessary repairs or replacements. Unfortunately, filing a claim correctly and getting paid promptly is a long and difficult process. Insurance companies try to pay as little as possible. If your insurance company has denied or underpaid your claim, you might need the help of the experienced attorneys at Mager Parúas.

  • Reclamos de Seguro de Propiedad Comercial

    Your commercial property insurance policy is supposed to protect your company's assets from serious events such as fires, burst pipes, storms, theft and even vandalism. If your insurance company is not offering you a fair settlement or giving you the runaround, call on Mager Parúas to help pursue your claim and a just settlement.

  • Reclamos de Robo y Vandalismo

    Have you been the victim of theft or vandalism? You may be feeling hurt and confused and not even sure who to seek compensation from. Rely on the team at Mager Parúas to sort out your case and file suits against responsible parties and your insurance company to ensure you get justice.

How Insurance Companies Work


Insurance is a business that involves pooling funds, or premiums, from a large group of people to pay for the losses that a few may incur.

Like any business, insurance companies work by bringing in more money than they pay out. Their main expenditures include payouts to customers, and insurance companies
operate under the statistical principles that predict larger collections of premiums in any given year than payouts.

Statistically speaking, in most years, insurance companies are in a position to make large profits. But when disaster strikes, if the insurance company has not planned ahead to manage claims or its cash reserves, then policyholders may be hung up in the system or denied claims that they rightfully deserve.

Even though insurance is a heavily regulated industry, insurance companies do not always act ethically or in a timely manner.

Nevertheless, insurance companies are supposed to act in compliance with strict laws, and in utmost good faith in the interpretation of their policies. It is unlawful for an insurer to:

  • Engage in unreasonable delay; to put their financial interests ahead of the financial interests of the policyholder; or to lowball (underpay) claims
  • Use deception or trickery in sales or claims handling
  • Compel an insured to hire an attorney in order to be paid what they are owed
  • Treat the policyholder unfairly

Just as statistics don’t always predict reality, insurance companies don’t always act in compliance with the law or in good faith. Many people who have paid their insurance premiums faithfully for years or decades are stunned by the lack of response by the insurance company after they make a property damage claim.

Policyholders may become frustrated and angry because little information is given to them on how to actually ensure that their claim is expedited. They are not told how to maximize their claim because (with due respect to the insurance company), the insurance company has little interest in volunteering information that will enable you (the insured) to get the most money.

If your insurance company has left you high and dry or is giving you the run-around, talk to us. We’ll be glad to help you get the attention – and payment – you deserve.

Stay Focused

Don’t give up in the pursuit of your claim if you get a denial. Just because an insurance company says they are not paying you, doesn’t mean your claim is over. In fact, most of the clients we work with have already had an unfair denial, and we’ve successfully won millions of dollars in settlements on their behalf.

  • Be aggressive. This does not mean you should be overtly hostile or unprofessional in working with insurance companies, but it does require you to be persistent, direct and to-the-point.
  • Enlist help. Hire professionals who know the language of insurance claims documentation and processes and who will help you build the best case. If you need additional help, Storm Help Team will take over the process and fight on your behalf.
  • Don’t settle for less. If the insurance company tries to offer you a low settlement, don’t be tempted to take it out of desperation. You may be leaving thousands of dollars on the table that are rightfully yours.
  • Don’t give up. Apart from the professionals at Storm Help Team, no one is more committed to getting your money than you. It’s yours to lose if you give up.

Get Final Resolution

Whether you are here to find resources to fight for yourself, or here to enlist our help to fight on your behalf, we care about your success.

We know that there can be no rest until there is a final, satisfactory resolution.